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Online Business English course – only 200€

Have you studied English for several years, but you would like to get a specific vocabulary, linked to the business world? Are you a trader or a manager and want to increase sales and turnover? Do you have to talk everyday to customers and partners coming from abroad?

Then, you should definitely attend the new online Business English course of Berlino Schule. The course is tailored to the ones, who already speak fluently English (they own at least a B2 level), but they need to acquire a specific vocabulary linked to the world of business and economics.

The course takes place on Zoom, from the 21st September to the 9th November, twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 18:00 to 19:30. Each meeting is made up of 2 teaching units (1 teaching unit: 45 minutes, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Price: 200 euros (the book is not included).

The topics

At the end of the course you will be able to: 

  • write formal letters and emails
  • talk to the company’s partners with a proper English
  • give a presentation during a meeting
  • write a resume and a cover letter
  • talk about yourself and your professional history during a job interview.

The teacher

The course will be held by a highly qualified English teacher with many years of experience in the field of didactics. The teacher owns the CELTA certificate, authorised by the Cambridge English Teaching Qualifications centres.

Not only Business English!

If you want to attend a generic English course, please take a look here. Berlino Schule offers different English classes, for every linguistic level. 

Info and registration

Please send us an email at info@berlinoschule.com

Photo: PixabayCCO